Chocolate Bhutlah Pepper
About Chocolate Bhutlah Pepper
The Chocolate Bhutlah Pepper is an extremely hot pepper that originated in the United States. It is a hybrid of the Ghost Pepper and the Bhut Jolokia Pepper. The Chocolate Bhutlah Pepper is one of the hottest peppers in the world, measuring up to 2 million Scoville Heat Units (SHU). The pepper measures between 1-2 inches in length and has a wrinkled, chocolate brown skin. The plant of the Chocolate Bhutlah pepper grows up to three feet in height and produces a high yield of peppers.
When this pepper was first created, it gained popularity quickly due to its unique flavor and contended ranking in the world's hot pepper charts. The Chocolate Bhutlah Pepper is described as having a fruity and almost sweet taste with a kick that grows stronger over time. Despite its intense heat, many people still enjoy the flavor that it brings to various dishes such as chili, hot sauce, and even chocolate. Furthermore, Chocolate Bhutlah Peppers are perfect for adding some heat to spice up a salad dressing or marinade.
The Chocolate Bhutlah Pepper also has a somewhat infamous reputation in the pepper-growing community. There have been reports of growers who have experienced allergic reactions during the handling of these peppers. In most cases, gloves and masks should be used when handling hot peppers, especially ones as hot as the Chocolate Bhutlah Pepper.