Scotch Willy Pepper
About Scotch Willy Pepper
The Scotch Willy Pepper is a pepper originating from the Caribbean islands. Despite coming from one of the hottest climates in the world, it has a mild flavour and low temperature rating, with a Scoville Heat Unit (SHU) of approximately 5,000 - 10,000. It is a unique member of the Capsicum chinense species, and ranges from 1.5 to 2 inches in length.
Deep black in color, the Scotch Willy Pepper is a small pepper with a thin skin and crinkled surface. Despite its small size, it reaches pungency quickly, and it's mild habanero-like flavor results from a combination of floral, smoky, and sweet notes. As with most peppers in the Capsicum chinense species, the Scotch Willy Pepper also contains Capsaicin, the compound that produces the pepper’s heat.
The Scotch Willy Pepper is often used as a garnish for dishes such as salads, tacos, soups, sandwiches, and various meals. It is also used for its consistent flavour and aroma when added to sauces and salsas. The pepper can also be used to make chutneys and marinades.
The Scotch Willy Pepper is popularly used in grilled dishes or deep-fried. It's mild flavor and small size make it an ideal garnish for fish or other seafood. The pepper is also popularly used in conjunction with pork, as the sweet smoky flavor pairs well with the saltiness of the meat.
Due to the Scotch Willy Pepper's mild flavor and lower heat rating, it is often used in dishes that require more mild flavored peppers. This pepper is also popular in drinks, with its unique flavor adding a twist to cocktails and other drinks.