Thai Dragon Pepper

About Thai Dragon Pepper

The Thai Dragon pepper is a fiery little chili that packs a punch of heat and flavor. Originating in Southeast Asia, this pepper is a popular ingredient in many Thai and Vietnamese dishes. It is named after the mythical creature, the dragon, which is said to embody power and strength. And true to its name, this pepper is one of the spiciest in the world.

The Thai Dragon pepper is a small, slender chili that ranges from 3 to 4 inches in length. It has a thin skin that is glossy and bright green in color when young, and eventually turns a deep red as it matures. The pepper grows upright on the plant in clusters, and has a pointed tip that gives it its characteristic dragon-like shape. It has a strong, fruity aroma that is a signature of its Southeast Asian origin.

The Thai Dragon pepper has a Scoville heat rating of 50,000 to 100,000. This makes it hotter than a jalapeño, but not as intense as a habanero. It has a complex flavor profile that is both sweet and spicy, with a hint of citrus. The heat builds slowly, and lingers for a while after eating.

To use the Thai Dragon pepper, it is recommended to wear gloves and handle them with care, as the capsaicin in the pepper can cause skin irritation. They can be chopped or sliced and added to sauces, curries, soups, stir-fries, and marinades to add a spicy kick. They are also delicious when pickled or added to salads for a burst of heat and flavor.

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